Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Purnata Bhavan

You may be glad to know that I am alive and well and in India! I arrived at Purnata Bhavan last Monday after a three-hour car journey from Mumbai. The cluster of buildings which makes up the home sits surrounded by mountains that have been carved out by centuries of wind. Everything is pretty dry and dusty right now, but I’m told the hills turn bright green in almost an instant when the monsoon arrives. Not only is it dry, but the weather sure is HOT! it’s a little bit like living in the cabins at Camp Lurecrest on the very hottest days of the summer. But my windows open wide, and the breeze is lovely.

My MJH coworkers will be glad to see a picture of this:

But they may be surprised to hear that its just as easy to use this:

Since we’re getting personal, want to see where I take my bucket baths?

Oh, but just look at the view from the building where I stay! How could I not love it?

I began Easter morning by sitting on a grassy hillside by a mango tree with thirty-some children and staff. We sang Hindi songs (I hummed) and prayed and watched the sun spread its light all around us. Looking at the children, it amazed me to think that they have all been rescued from difficult circumstances. Many have lost their parents to AIDS, some grew up on the platforms of the railway stations, some were trafficked. Some struggle daily for the health of their bodies. But joy seems to fill every nook and cranny at PB. So I found great hope knowing that, though far from complete, the healing process has begun.


Brendan Jamieson said...

I love seeing where you are Rachel! It looks beautiful and hot! Those squatty potty's aren't so bad, are they? I love you sister and loved talking with you yesterday!


lisa henkel said...

We all miss you so very much here at MJH! We are so glad you got to your destination safely. What a beautiful place and what beautiful work you are doing. You are so inspirational...I want to be more like you when I grow up! "Squatty potties"...looks like fun!!!!!! Keep up the amazing work and I'm very proud of you!!
love lisa henkel